Monday, February 1, 2010

[belated] New Year's Resolution: stop complaining, and start doing. 
(An attempt to avoid hypocrisy) 
Typical example of all talk and no walk: "I'm so fat!" Next time someone says this to me, I should say "put your money where you mouth is and get some exercise. Or eat healthier." 
To apply to my own life (aside from the aforementioned scenario, which I am attempting to live by currently... slowly, but... trying.) I need to make things happen. I need to get involved. In something. Anything really. 

I want/need to do at least one of the following:
-Get a part-time job.
-Join an athletic  club (going to a Waterski/Wakeboarding Club meeting Wednesday night!).
-Join a community service club.
-Take on a project of some kind. Something semi-epic.

((not enough time to finish this blog entry... check back again later)) sorry